Ok, so don't get too worried initially by the title of this post. It's not AS BAD as it could be...well, only because of the actual outcome that is. Last night we decided to make dinner with some neighbors in our building, a delicious meal of grilled chicken, rice, veggies, grilled cheesy french bread and an amazing dessert of chocolatey-monkey bread! We had been in and out of the apartment grabbing necessary additional ingredients for the meal and then after eating as much as we all possibly could, we began wondering if our neighbor's apartment was just a little bit bigger than ours. Chris and Travis decided to measure and then compare differences, well...they first measured theirs and then headed up to our place after which they decided there was about a 2 and 1/2 foot difference. So, that was the news, and the "bad news"...well, I unfortunately was able to guess it immediately. Chris had locked us completely out of our apartment! This is a third time occurence for him however the other two times we were able to use my keys to re-enter. And so began the greatest adventure of the night! The guys began by using credit cards to pick the lock, followed by a few attempts to pop the door handle completely off. The next idea was scaling the small railing/wall in front of our apartment to pry off the screen window and attempting to wiggle and push on the glass window enough to undo the latch. I was sweating and extremely nervous by this point having watched Chris try to balance on the un-sturdy railing (being supported by only a few peices of cable on either end) above a 10 foot drop and decided it would be ok if we just had a slumber party with the Philips and figured everything out in the morning. The guys however, were positive they could figure something out that night! We then headed to the back of the building only to realize just how high our balcony really was from the ground. We estimated about 15 feet from the ground to the very edge of the balcony wall. I thought for sure we could find someone at 11:30 on a Saturday night to loan us a ladder but for time sake the guys decided to do some cheerleading stunts boosting Chris up and over the edge. I don't know official cheerleading terms but I was the girl who stood near by to assure the "flyer" didn't kill himself. Travis boosted Chris up to stand on his shoulders, I helped the rear end a bit with a good boost up as well, (and afterwards we decided we should have had Janessa recording this amazing task) with one extra push from Travis to lift Chris up just a few more inches, Chris was able to grab the metal handle and shimmy his way up and over the wall onto the balcony. He wiggled the door a bit....and no luck. He then opened the small utility like closet located on our balcony and flipped on a light before another good wiggle of the door, and finally... IT OPENED!!! I couldn't decide whether to be more happy or scared about the fact that the door was able to be unlocked from the outside so easily, but afterall WE WERE IN! Chris grabbed the keys AND left the door unlocked, just in case, for the rest of the evening. So, a few good cheerleading moves and some good scratches on the arm later, we were able to call it a night, or morning, around 2:00 a.m. and sleep in our own bed! We'd like to thank the Philips for helping us to prepare such an amazing meal, break into our apartment, and keep us entertained for a fun Saturday night! :)
I knew this was blogging material right away. Just don't get your hopes up because not everyday is as exciting as this for us.